Elizabeth Shea is Of Counsel to the firm. She is a healthcare advocate with extensive experience in human services, particularly in the area of developmental disabilities. Ms. Shea has extensive subject matter expertise in the areas of federal and state Medicaid, including 1915(c) and 1115(i) Medicaid waiver programs; service delivery across the lifespan of individuals with disabilities – including early intervention services, special education, adult services, affordable housing policies and programs; rate setting for state-funded programs; care management for unique populations; and how to safely transition individuals with complex needs from institutional settings to home and community-based settings.
Ms. Shea also serves as Vice President of Porzio Compliance Services, LLC (PorzioCS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the firm. As such, she is instrumental in the design and implementation of comprehensive compliance, training and ethics programs for colleges and universities, health care facilities, and disability providers and organizations. She provides support to the these entities in various compliance areas, offering highly technical compliance expertise in a more efficient manner.
Speaking Engagements
- "Practical Approaches to Guardianship Issues," Porzio Webinar in Partnership with the JCC of Central New Jersey, 11/29/2023
"An Insider's Guide to Maximizing State Disability Benefits," 40th Annual Autism Conference, 10/21/2022
"The Old School and the New - Considerations for School Re-Opening," Porzio Webinar, 7/07/2020
"The Old School and the New - Considerations for School Re-Opening," Porzio Webinar, July 7, 2020.
"New Jersey Schools Update: Considerations for Graduation and Other Commencement Ceremonies," Porzio Webinar, June 4, 2020.
- "Where Do We Go From Here?" Cannabis & Disabilities: Emerging Issues & Answers, Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C., Morristown, NJ, April 5, 2019.
- "Addressing the Special Needs Population in Emergency Planning," New Jersey School Safety Symposium, Porzio Compliance Services, Morristown, NJ, March 29, 2019.
- "Maximizing Your Effectiveness When Working with Government," The Conference of Executives of The Arcs Annual Retreat, Lambertville, NJ, May 3, 2018.
- "Special Needs Seminar Series: DDD and Medicaid Bootcamp," Allied Wealth Partners, Parsippany, NJ, April 26, 2018.
- Keynote Speaker, "Current Status of Medicaid, What to Expect, and How to Prepare," Morris County Economic Development Committee Healthcare Compliance Seminar, Morristown, NJ, February 6, 2018.
- Moderator, "Navigating the Political Landscape of Healthcare Compliance: Private Insurance Market in NJ and Medicaid," Morris County Economic Development Committee Healthcare Compliance Seminar, Morristown, NJ, February 6, 2018.
- Unhealthy Mix For Your Workplace," Porzio Employment Law Forum, Morristown, NJ, November 15, 2017.
Prior Relevant Experience
- State of New Jersey Department of Human Services, Trenton, NJ, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Developmental Disabilities, 2013 - 2017; Policy Advisor & Special Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner, 2011 - 2013.
- The Arc of New Jersey, North Brunswick, NJ, Assistant Executive Director, 2007 - 2011; Director, Governmental Affairs, 2004 - 2006; Director, Education Advocacy, 2002 - 2004.
- New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, Trenton, NJ, Deputy Director, Division of Advocacy for the Developmentally Disabled, 2006 - 2007.
- Covenant House New Jersey, Newark, NJ, Legal Advocate & Coordinator of Public Education and Policy, 1999 - 2000.