Dietary Supplement Legal Update - December 2015
Editors: Kevin M. Bell and Richard J. Oparil
Since passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement industry has grown to more than $35 billion in annual sales. This robust growth of the industry reflects not only increased interest among consumers in these products, but also significant advancements in nutrition and wellness science and new legal and regulatory challenges to appropriately monitor this marketplace. There have been several recent developments on the legal and regulatory issues challenging the dietary supplement industry, both on the federal and state level.
In this issue:
- Government Targets Dietary Supplement Companies and Executives
- Oregon Attorney General Sues GNC Over Picamilon and BMPEA
- Bayer Prevails in Contempt Proceeding
- FDA Dietary Supplement Reorganization Proposed
- FDA Acts on Genetically Engineered Salmon and Issues Guidance Documents
- FDA Requests Comments on Use of "Natural" on Food Labels
- FDA Finalizes FSMA Rules
- FDA Dietary Supplement Reorganization Proposed
- California Proposition 65 Developments