Stephen Matthews Presented at CBI's WCC 2014
Stephen Matthews, Principal at Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, spoke at CBI's West Coast Compliance Congress on "Litigation Update for the Medical Device Industry." The conference took place from November 13-14th in San Francisco, CA.
From CBI's WCC 2014 website:
5th Annual West Coast Compliance Congress
Where Local CCOs and Their Compliance, Legal and Regulatory teams Gather to Benchmark, Network and Share Best Practices
At this one-of-a-kind Congress, gain insights directly from the enforcement community, hear best practices gleaned from recent CIA and FCPA settlements and benchmark with industry peers regarding HCP reporting, open payments, FCPA and global compliance considerations
Join Chief Compliance Officers and their teams, representing Midwest and West Coast companies, this November to discuss all aspects of strategic compliance program management and execution.
For more information, please visit CBI's website.