CLE Seminar: Hot Topics in Employment Law
New York County Lawyers' Association: 14 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10007
Porzio counsel Joshua H. Abramson will chair this CLE panel program on "Hot Topics in Employment Law," sponsored by the NYCLA’s In-House/Outside Counsel Committee, exploring cutting-edge issues and recent developments in employment law.
Topics include:
- Critical issues that arise with respect to the use of social media and email in the workplace
- Recent developments in the ongoing debate on classifying workers as independent contractors versus employees
- Key considerations in conducting internal investigations
- Ethical issues that all in-house and outside counsel who deal with employment matters should consider
Program Chair: Joshua H. Abramson, Porzio Bromberg & Newman P.C.
Moderator: Richard B. Friedman, Richard Friedman PLLC
- Jordan D. Kanfer, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, NTT America, Inc.
- James G. Paulsen, Regional Director, Brooklyn Regional Office, NLRB;
- Thomas O. Johnston, Porzio Bromberg & Newman P.C.
- Devika Kewalramani, Moses & Singer LLP
- Stephen Stander, Senior Advisor (International), Legal & Business Affairs, A&E Television Networks, LLC
Particpants may earn CLE credits:
3 NJ Credits: 1 Ethics; 2 General
3 NY Credits: 1 Ethics; 2 PP; Transitional & Non-Transitional
Registration is required.