Michelle D. Axelrod Will Present at ACI's 16th Annual Forum on Fraud and Abuse in the Sale and Marketing of Drugs
Omni Parker House, Boston, MA
Porzio principal and Porzio Life Sciences Vice President Michelle D. Axelrod will moderate the panel "In-House Roundtable on Commercial Trends in Pharma: A Conversation on Where the Industry is Now and Preparing for Where it’s Going" on Thursday, March 10th at 9:15 AM at ACI’s 16th Annual Forum on Fraud and Abuse in the Sales and Marketing of Drugs in Boston, MA.
Panel topics include:
- Reflecting on the biggest changes in how drug companies do business
- Multi-country product launches and the challenges of global marketing
- Anti-kickback v. FCA enforcement in 2016 – What do we expect?
- Lessons Learned: Do new approaches in business and issues raised by recent cases, enforcement actions and in the media require a new/different approach or a change in focus for Legal and/or Compliance? How should companies (big or small) dedicate their resources to adjust to the new commercial model?
To view the full agenda and to register, please click here.