Principal Steven Benenson Presented on Class Action Defense at the Network of Trial Law Firms' Program
Porzio principal Steven P. Benenson presented at the Network of Trial Law Firms' CLE program, "Litigation Management: New Trends and Techniques." This program, a concentrated curriculum for in-house counsel managing litigation, took place April 27-30, 2017, in Palm Beach, FL.
Mr. Benenson's session, "Strategies for Successfully Defending 'No Injury' Consumer Protection Class Actions," took place on April 28, 2017 at 12:20 PM. This session explored the rise of these challenging and risky statutory penal damage class actions based on alleged unlawful terms in consumer contracts and on-line Terms of Use. New Jersey, which boasts having some of the most progressive consumer protection laws in the country, is on the vanguard. Using the State's "Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act" ("TCCWNA") as a model, Mr. Benenson addressed evaluating dispositive motions in light of statutory prerequisites, analyzing the impact of choice-of-law and forum selection clauses, and opposing class certification under Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 23.
To view the full agenda and to register, please click here.