
Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr. Quoted About Lack of Proof of Racial Bias in Summit Locker Room Incident


Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr. of Porzio, Bromberg & Newman P.C., was quoted as the Summit Board of Education's Attorney in an article published October 21, 2014 on The article reviews a New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) finding regarding a locker room incident when members of the Summit team placed bananas in a hole in the door of a visiting locker room in Summit before a September 13th game with North Plainfield.

Gagliardi, Jr. states, "The Summit Board of Education and its administration are delighted by the unanimous determination by the NJSIAA controversies committee that found no evidence of racial taunting or racial bias in connection with the incident between Summit's football team and North Plainfield's football (team), and went on to conclude there has been no evidence of racial bias among any of Summit High Schools' opponents."

Gagliardi, Jr. also addressed some of the steps taken by the administration of Summit, "While we share the committee's concern that any action of Summit's players were upsetting to North Plainfield's players, the administration of Summit had already reached out to North Plainfield to try to address those issues moving forward and will do so now — again — as consistent with the NJSIAA determination."

To view the entire article, please click here.

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