
Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr. Referenced in Article Concerning Ongoing Hillside Police Chief Matter


Porzio principal Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr., who represents New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, was referenced in the article, "Hillside Battle Over Police Chief Becomes Game of Musical Chairs," by Tom Haydon.

The article is focused on the July 20, 2016 hearing before Judge Karen Cassidy in the lawsuit filed by Hillside Mayor Angela Garretson against the Hillside Town Council and former Hillside Police Chief Louis Panarese. Mayor Garretson asked the Court to overturn the Council's vote to reinstate Panarese as police chief following his demotion to captain by the Mayor. Upon advisement by Mr. Gagliardi that Acting Police Chief Richard Floyd, who was appointed by Mayor Garretson, plans to retire on July 31, Judge Cassidy ordered that Panarese be reinstated as chief following Floyd's retirement. Judge Cassidy noted that the litigation pertaining to the validity of the Council's reinstatement vote would likely continue for quite some time.

To read the full article, please click here.


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