Counsel Peter Gallagher Receives NJSBA Amicus Curiae Award
Porzio counsel Peter J. Gallagher received a New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) Amicus Curiae Award for his exceptional service. Award recipients were honored during a holiday gathering of the NJSBA's Board of Trustees at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick, NJ. Several attorneys were recognized for their work researching, drafting and arguing friend-of-the-court positions on behalf of the association.
Mr. Gallagher was recognized in particular for his efforts in Mortgage Grader, Inc. v. Ward & Olivo, L.L.P., in which the association said courts are not empowered to revoke a partnership’s limited liability status. On June 23, 2016, the New Jersey Supreme Court released its opinion in the case, siding with the arguments advanced by Mr. Gallagher on behalf of the NJSBA. To learn more about the case, please click here.
NJSBA President Thomas H. Prol thanked the honorees for improving the practice of law. Stated Prol, "Their efforts make an important difference in the association and the legal community. It is because of people like these honorees that the association remains the leading voice of the profession in New Jersey.”