Porzio Managing Principal Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr. Quoted in Article on River Dell School Funding Case
Porzio Managing Principal Vito A. Gagliardi, Jr. was quoted in the NorthJersey.com article, "New Court Date Set in River Dell School Funding Case," by Matthew Birchenough, on March 25, 2017.
On April 5, 2017, a three-judge appellate court will hear the latest arguments in the long-running feud over funding of the River Dell Regional School District, shared by Oradell and River Edge. Oradell has contested the funding formula, which is based on equalized property values rather than enrollment numbers.
The most recent action in this ongoing case occurred in 2014, when Administrative Law Judge Leslie Z. Celentano's recommendation - that the formula be based on an 80% per-pupil and 20% property tax formula - was rejected by then-acting Commissioner of Education David Hespe. According to Mr. Gagliardi, who represents the Oradell school board, “There was no legal justification for them to reject the administrative law judge’s opinion. Our position on the appeal is quite clear: The administrative law judge who heard the testimony and reviewed the facts — that opinion should govern.”
To read the full NorthJersey.com article, please click here.