
Diane Averell Appointed as Chair of the DRI Women in the Law Committee


Porzio congratulates principal Diane Fleming Averell on her appointment to Chair of the Defense Research Institute (DRI) Women in the Law Committee for the 2017 - 2018 association year. 

Ms. Averell is a member of Porzio's Litigation Team and serves on the firm's Management Committee. She has handled business-to-business disputes and defended personal injury claims on behalf of publicly traded companies, privately held corporations, and family-owned enterprises. Representing manufacturing companies, she has also defended failure-to-warn product liability claims related to prescription and over-the-counter drugs, industrial chemicals and minerals, petroleum products, power tools, and tobacco products. 

The DRI Women in the Law Committee connects the more than 6,000 female DRI members by providing opportunities to develop and strengthen relationships, facilitating professional development and raising awareness about issues of interest unique to women lawyers. To learn more, please visit the Committee's website: Women in the Law

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