Michelle Burke Quoted in ABA Litigation News Article
Porzio, Bromberg & Newman's Counsel, Michelle M. Burke, was quoted in an ABA Litigation News article entitled, "Knowledge of False Label Does Not Flush Standing for Injunction," written by Jeff A. Gannaway on February 6, 2018. The article discusses Davidson v. Kimberly-Clark, im which plaintiff filed a class action lawsuit in state court, alleging violations of multiple California consumer protection statutes and seeking monetary and injunctive relief.
Ms. Burke notes that there is still room to challenge plaintiff's standing, "If a plaintiff does not allege that he wants to purchase more of the defendant’s product, or if he admits under oath that he does not intend to buy it, a defendant can argue that dismissal is appropriate because the consumer will not be harmed by future advertisements."
To read the full article, please click here.