District Reconfiguration, Funding & Tax Disputes
Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, P.C. has participated in almost every significant case over the past 20 years involving the reconfiguration of school districts in the State of New Jersey. We have handled the only three regional school district dissolutions in state history; we have transformed K-6 and K-8 districts into K-12 districts; we have created, expanded and severed sending-receiving relationships; we have transitioned school districts into non-operating school districts in compliance with state law; we have created dual sending-receiving relationships; and we have helped taxpayers in many communities save millions of dollars while developing more efficient and comprehensive school systems and negotiating financially beneficial agreements.
We have more than 20 years of experience preparing feasibility studies and counseling school districts in the area of school district reconfiguration, which includes reconfiguration of schools by grade-level; creation, expansion, and termination of sending-receiving relationships; formation of regional school districts; withdrawal from and dissolution of regional school districts; dissolution of non-regional school districts; consolidation of school districts; and the establishment and elimination of non-operating school districts.
Porzio attorneys also have been intimately involved in assisting our school district clients in grade and school-level reconfigurations to ensure the most educationally and financially appropriate use of their existing (and sometimes new) facilities.