The Firm
Core Values
Porzio is a workplace community dedicated to excellence, the highest quality client service, and our clients’ success. We recognize that a high quality and diverse workforce is key to accomplishing these goals. Personal and professional integrity, collegiality, teamwork, mutual respect and commitment to one another are values we hold dear.
Our adherence to these core values enables us to accomplish our clients’ objectives and achieve extraordinary results. We insist on fidelity to our core values. They are not mere words; they are the embodiment of who we are, what we do, and how we act.
We Serve the Best Interests of Our Clients
Our clients are our paramount responsibility. We listen to them and understand their needs and goals. We efficiently employ our resources and substantive knowledge, skills, and experiences to achieve our clients’ objectives. We provide premium client service, superior work product and bring value and exceptional results to our clients. Our culture inspires us to innovate.
We Serve the Best Interests of Our People
Serving the best interests of our people enables us to serve the best interests of our clients.
The strength of our inclusive culture is founded upon the high quality and diversity of the people we recruit, integrate, develop, retain, and promote. The unique backgrounds and perspectives of our people enhance our ability to serve our clients and enrich our community. We celebrate and embrace diversity, innovation, and an entrepreneurial spirit.
We act with integrity and strictly adhere to moral and ethical principles. We treat each other and our workplace community with respect. We prize collegiality and civility. By building positive, mutually supportive, and collaborative relationships, buttressed by open and frank communication, we empower our people and bring out the best in each of us.
We Serve the Best Interests of Our Community
Our commitment to community and charitable service is deep and abiding. We honor the high ethics and standards of our professions by encouraging, supporting, and practicing civic responsibility. Our people use their knowledge, skills, integrity, and commitment to make significant and positive contributions to individuals in need, non-profit organizations and social causes.