I. Richard Ploss is counsel to Porzio, Bromberg & Newman and is a member of the firm's Trusts and Estates Department. Mr. Ploss concentrates his practice primarily on estate planning for high net worth individuals and their businesses, estate administration, probate litigation and fiduciary income taxation in New Jersey and throughout the East Coast. He has extensive experience advising individual clients in the areas of wealth transfer planning and the preparation of estate planning documents.
Mr. Ploss is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the state of Georgia, a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) and a Professional Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP). He frequently publishes articles and speaks on trust and estate matters. Mr. Ploss currently serves as an Adjunct Professor, teaching Trusts & Estates at the University of Maine Law School. He has previously taught classes in estate planning at Boston University, Fordham University, Fairleigh Dickinson University and Georgetown University.
- Ethics Investigator, Supreme Court of New Jersey’s District Ethics Committee for District XA (DEC XA), serving East Morris and Sussex Counties (2022-2026)
- National Association of Fee Only Professional Advisors (NAPFA), Member
- American Bar Association, Real Property and Trust Law Section
- Boston Estate Planning Council
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) Board of Standards, Council on Examinations, 2007 - 2010 (Chair 2009), Estate Planning Subject Matter Content Specialist
- Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) Financial Planning Standards Committee, 2010 - 2013
- Institute of Certified Financial Planner (ICFP), Central New Jersey Society, Former President
- Maine Estate Planning Council, 2009 - 2014
- Northern New England Financial Planners’ Association (FPA)
- Society of Trusts & Estates Practitioners (STEP), Boston, MA Chapter
- Quarterly Tax Updates: Key Insights on IRS Developments, Crypto, Estate Planning & More, 2/11/2025
- 2024 Year-End Tax Planning: It's Not Too Late, 12/19/2024
- Quarterly Tax Updates: January 2024, 1/16/2024
- Corporate Transparency Act Becomes Operational, 1/16/2024
- Year-End Tax Tips: 5 Smart Strategies for 2023, 3 Important Changes for 2024, 12/14/2023
- 2023 Q3 Tax Updates, 7/20/2023
- Lessons from the Lynnette Harris and Leigh Ann Conley Cases, 7/20/2023
- Tax Short Shorts, 7/20/2023
- Net Unrealized Appreciation: Opportunities in Your Company's Retirement Plan, 7/20/2023
- More IRS Scrutiny of Hobby Losses, 7/20/2023
- Retirement Report, 7/20/2023
- Qualified Small Business Stock: More Smoke than Fire, 7/20/2023
- 2023 Q2 Tax Updates, 4/27/2023
- A Look At President Biden's Budget Tax Proposals, 4/27/2023
- Crypto Corner, 4/27/2023
- Golden Passports & Moving to Puerto Rico, 4/27/2023
- Tax Shorts, 4/27/2023
- 2023 Q1 Tax Updates, 1/24/2023
- IRS Delays $600 Reporting Threshold, 1/24/2023
- The Far Side, 1/24/2023
- The Silver Lining of Inflation, 1/24/2023
- Understanding the Once-A-Year Rollover Rule, 1/24/2023
- 2022 Year-End Tax Planning , 12/13/2022
- The Complexity of Charitable Contributions, 12/13/2022
- Converting Traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs, 12/13/2022
- Crypto Investments, 12/13/2022
- Delaying Income and Accelerating Expenses, 12/13/2022
- Looking Ahead: Tax Rates, Gift & Estate Exemptions and Tax Legislation, 12/13/2022
- Should You Harvest Losses?, 12/13/2022
- 2022 Year-End Tax Planning Resources, 12/13/2022
- Your Rights Under NJ's Medical Aid in Dying Act, 1/24/2020
- State Income Taxation of Non-Grantor Trusts: An Important Area for Tax Planning, 11/06/2019
- Financial Planners Need to Start Asking Clients About Digital Assets, 4/06/2018
- Estate Planning for Digital Assets: Understanding the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act and Its Implication for Planners and Clients, April 2018
- What New Jersey Residents Need To Know About Digital Assets Under New Jersey's New Digital Asset Act, 9/28/2017
- Wealth Preservation Seminar: Trust Administration - How to Do it Right, 10/23/2018
- Porzio Wealth Preservation Seminars: Fiduciary Bootcamp - Executor, 2/27/2018
- Porzio Wealth Preservation Seminars: Relocating to Florida, 1/23/2018
- Counsel Richard Ploss Presented on "Estate Planning for Digital Assets", 8/17/2017
- Counsel Richard Ploss Presented "Estate Planning for Digital Assets" to the Mercer County Estate Planning Council, 6/14/2017
- Counsel Richard Ploss Spoke at EPCNYC's Estate Planners Day 2017, 4/27/2017
- Porzio Counsel Richard Ploss Presented on the New Jersey Uniform Trust Code, 3/28/2017
- Porzio Attorneys Deirdre Wheatley-Liss and Richard Ploss Presented "Estate Planning for Unusual Assets", 2/07/2017
- Porzio Attorneys Deirdre Wheatley-Liss and Richard Ploss Co-Presented a Seminar on Estate Planning for Digital Assets, 10/04/2016
- Richard Ploss to Present at NBI Seminar on Estate Planning Oddities and Challenges, 8/15/2016
- Porzio Counsel Richard Ploss to Present on "Estate Planning for Digital Assets", 5/19/2016
Speaking Engagements
"Don't Fall Off the Tax Cliff (or How to Face the Cliff with a Bungee Cord)," Porzio's Wealth Preservation Symposium, 1/29/2025
"Estate Planning Gone Wrong," National Business Institute, 12/09/2024
"Step-By-Step- Guide to Drafting Wills and Trusts in New Jersey," National Business Institute, 11/07/2024
"Generation Skipping Transfer Tax – Basics and Planning," Rossdale Seminars, 10/30/2024
- "Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Reporting and Planning," Strafford, 6/14/2024
- "Mistakes I Made as a Newly Admitted New Jersey Lawyer, Part 1," National Business Institute, 12/2023
- "New Jersey Trusts 101," National Business Institute, 06/2023
- "Trusts in New Jersey From A to Z," National Business Institute, 11/2022
"Marital Deduction Trusts and Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Trusts," NBI's Trusts From A to Z seminar, 6/17/2021
"Minimizing Identity Theft and Compromise: How to Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Assets From Fraud", Northern New Jersey Financial Advisor's Group Webinar, 5/26/2020
"New Planning for the SECURE Act with IRAs and Retirement Plans," Porzio Bromberg & Newman, P.C., Webinar, 2/04/2020
"Estate Administration From Start To Finish," NBI, December 10-11, 2019
"Estate Planning for Unusual Assets", ALI CLE, 10/18/2019
"Estate Planning for Unusual Assets," and "Multi-Jurisdiction Estate Planning," NJICLE, Summer CLEfest- Tax & Estate Planning Track, 8/10/2018
"Strategies for a New Era in Giving," Annual Conference of New Jersey Council of Charitable Gift Planners, 6/11/2018
"Estate Planning for Digital Assets," Financial Planning Association; The Round National Broadcast, April 2018
"Fiduciary Bootcamp," CLE Seminar, New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE), April 2018
"Estate Planning for Digital Assets," Community Foundation, January 2018
"Estate Planning for Unusual Assets," Advisor's Group, December 2017
"Estate Planning For Digital Assets," Mercer County Estate Planning Council, 6/14/2017
"Estate Planning & Administration For Firearms," Estate Planning Council of New York City (EPCNYC), 4/27/2017
"New Jersey Uniform Trust Code," Financial Planning Association of New Jersey, 3/28/2017
"Estate Planning for Unusual Assets," Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, 2/07/2017
"Estate Planning for Digital Assets," Morris County Financial Advisors Study Group, 11/22/2016
"Estate Planning for Digital Assets," Porzio, Bromberg & Newman, 10/04/2016
"Digital Assets," National Business Institute's Seminar on Estate Planning Oddities and Challenges, 8/15/2016
"Estate Planning: Digital Assets," Saint Joseph's College CPA Workshops, 5/19/2016
Prior Relevant Experience
- Arthur Andersen & Co., Atlanta, GA, Tax Staff Accountant, 1985 - 1987.
- International Paper Company, Management Accountant, 1980 - 1983.
- University of Maine Law School, Portland, ME, Adjunct Professor of Law, January 2012 - Present.
- Boston University, Boston, MA, Part Time Adjunct Instructor, Certified Financial Planner™ Program, 2010 - 2011.
- Fordham University, New York, NY, Teaching Fellow, School of Continuing Education, Estate Planning and Capstone Case Course Classes in (CFP®) Certificate Program, 2005 - 2010.
- Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, Adjunct Instructor, School of Continuing Education, Certified Financial Planner™ Certificate Program, 1995 - 2009.
- Georgetown University, Washington, DC, Visiting Professor, Executive Program, Certified Financial Planner™ Certificate Program, 2002 - 2006.